Before making any major purchase, you will probably inform yourself in detail about the prices being asked on the market. Potential buyers, who are often about to make the biggest investment of their lives, spend a lot of time and effort researching the market prices for their desired property. It is therefore crucial for the success of your sales process that you have the value of your property precisely determined.
Only with a fair, seriously calculated sales price will you directly appeal to the clientele willing to buy your property. As an experienced real estate agent in Aachen, we have the necessary professional expertise to place your property valuation on a solid foundation.
Standardised, free property valuation portals can be found without problem on the internet. But how is the valuation carried out? And why do the results differ, sometimes considerably, from provider to provider? Even we don't know exactly which algorithms are at work in the background - but we can clearly answer your five most important questions about our property valuation:
We work with the comparative value method that has been found to be very good in our many years as estate agents in Aachen. This means: We compare your property with a sufficiently large number of houses or flats that have been sold recently. In doing so, we are guided by the anonymised, certified sales contracts archived by the appraisal committees in Aachen. However, since real estate is never absolutely the same, we use discounts or surcharges that cover the following points, among others:
The aim and purpose of a property valuation is to determine the current market value of a property. This is the monetary value for which your property currently stands on the Aachen market - taking supply and demand into account.
At the same time, this market value forms the essential basis for determining the asking price with which you start the sales process.
From our many years of experience in the Aachen area, we know that it is advisable to estimate the selling price around five to eight percent higher - in order to have some room for negotiation.
Nothing at all, or worse: a lot. If you set the selling price too high, you will scare off potentially interesting buyers for your house. Conversely, high sales prices magically attract another group: Viewing tourists who have no serious intention of actually buying your house. As the time your offer remains on the market progresses, it takes on the appearance of a shopkeeper.
In the best case, you will only lose money without need. More often, however, prospective real estate buyers become suspicious - a circumstance that can damage the entire sales process. Potential, well-informed buyers assume that something is wrong with your property if the sales price is too low.
Contact us at any time by phone or e-mail. We will answer any question that may arise in connection with a property valuation.
With a well-founded property valuation, you lay the foundation for a speedy and successful sale of your property. As a reputable, long-established estate agent from Aachen, we support you from the very beginning with our profound expertise and a constant transparency of our work. We take the time necessary to ensure a trusting relationship - so that you always feel you are in good hands. We look forward to hearing from you.